The advantages of standardisation in data warehouse projects
Data & Analytics

„Standardisation in the actual meaning of the word means a unification of metric, types, methods or other things. The objective is the creation of joint standards respectively parameters (for instance in case of tools, production components or software components)." That‘s what Wikipedia has to say. What significance does standardisation have in a highly customer-specific consulting environment such as the setup of business intelligence solutions?
noventum consulting has been providing advice in the business intelligence environment since 1996. Ever since, the internal treasure trove of experience all around the topic of data warehousing and BI has been growing from project to project. The intensive knowledge management is continuously expanding the spectrum of the noventum BI methodology.
Therefore, noventum data warehousing projects are - despite all the required customer-specific flexibility - characterised by standardised project plans, methods and templates, layer models, data models and naming conventions that originate from an established toolbox.
The advantages are apparent: Projects become reliably planable, project durations and the project risk are reduced, the project quality is increased, and the project result features a good cost-benefit ratio.
Internally at noventum, all BI consultants are trained in the noventum methodology. The result for customers is - in an emergency - a replaceability of the consultants within the project, but also a quick orientability of the noventum consultants in case of the maintenance and further development of solutions already set up.
MS SQL Server technology prevails in DWH Projects
In recent years, MS SQL Server has pushed into the foreground as base technology for noventum DWHs. As such, a large number of noventum customer data warehouses are not only architecturally, conceptually homogeneous, but are also based on the same software technology. In particular since the releases 2012/2014, with significant progress especially in the data integration capabilities, Microsoft SQL Server is the preferred choice.
This focusing now enables noventum consulting to take the next step of standardisation. Recurring implementation patterns can be generated. Classic data warehouse patterns such as the opening-up of data source and historisations no longer have to be created manually as an SSIS package. The customer-specific generation of these data management paths generates considerable advantages such as the reduction of development times in the backend by a factor of 5-10, the quality increase through avoidance of manual errors, as well as the systematic standardisation which once more increases the maintainability of the solution being created.

noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster