„CPM Excellence Suite“ webinar
Data & Analytics

Remarkable result of an actively lived partnership between Thinking Networks and noventum consulting
Originally interconnected via the proximity to the MicroStrategy BI tool, the tool provider Thinking Networks and noventum consulting are growing closer and closer together as a homogeneous solution provider. After first joint project successes and a joint presence at MicroStrategy World in Barcelona (Spain) in July of this year, noventum has considerably driven forward the integration of the two best-of-breed tool providers for business intelligence and planning. The result of this activity: the „CPM Excellence Suite“.
The „CPM Excellence Suite“ combines the software solutions of Thinking Networks and MicroStrategy. The integration encompasses a standardised user interface, a consistent management of the meta data as well as joint access to the data warehouse. The new BI solution provides a - unique to the market - coverage of the whole scope of services of planning, analysis, and reporting and does, at the same time, comply with the most sophisticated quality requirements (e.g. with respect to scaling and adjustability). From a single source, noventum makes the „CPM Excellence Suite“ available adjusted to the customer‘s requirements.
On November 27, 2014, the „CPM Excellence Suite“ was introduced as part of a webinar. More than 20 participants listened to the experts of Thinking Networks and noventum and showed vivid interest in the new BI tool in the subsequent discussion.
Thomas Schauer,
member of the executive board of Thinking Networks AG, summarises:
„In the heterogeneous environment of the BI market, it‘s not all that easy to find suitable and reliable partners. Which is why we are happy to have established a partnership with noventum that is characterised by a joint thirst for action, vivid exchange, and specific results. noventum, you are a »Great Partner to Work with.“