Joint business development in Warsaw
Data & Analytics

At the end of May, two intense days of joint business development and planning of future activities brought together Thorsten Schmidt and Thorsten Nimbs of noventum consulting with their partners of MicroStrategy and Thinking Networks in Warsaw. The place of the meeting was the Global Delivery Center of MicroStrategy Poland (GDC). Motivated by numerous successful projects, both parties intend to expand and intensify the partnership of many years already.
The Global Delivery Center(GDC) in Warsaw was chosen as a meeting spot to provide noventum with a deeper insight into the service portfolio of the partners. Due to the increasing project sizes and varying workloads in the projects, noventum time and again has the need to scale up while ensuring quality. For this, noventum is working in close cooperation with select partners. Good experiences with the GDC as „extended workbench“ have stirred some curiosity.
The Global Delivery Center of MicroStrategy, with its approx. 250 employees, is a service provider for all things MicroStrategy. The service includes project management, business requirements analysis, and all development services. The classic development competencies across all MSTR components are complemented by graphic designers, SDK developers, an ETL team, and a managed services offer.
„For noventum, this is an ideal complement to its competency and manpower when concrete project situations necessitate additional staff“, said Thorsten Nimbs who was impressed by the Polish MicroStrategy Center. „We, ourselves, with our trained project managers and consultant for each and every customer requirement already have more to offer than most competitors. The knowledge of special competencies at the GDC and the uncomplicated access to these resources provides us with the certainty to be able to face even the most unusual qualitative and quantitative requirement. The GDC can, as we have gotten to know here, not only serve as extended workbench for our on-site consultants but also provide know-how for special cases. The close cooperation with MicroStrategy and the mutual understanding of how we want to operate jointly are equipping us with unique selling points in the market.“
„Another step of the cooperation of noventum & MicroStrategy will be our presence at the MSTR World in Barcelona. The IT Service Performance Cockpit realised by noventum based on MicroStrategy (c.f. novum report on page 16) will be presented in July in Barcelona. I am very much looking forward to the feedback from the specialist colleagues“, said Thorsten Schmidt.
The exchange was also enriched by the participation of representatives of the software manufacturer Thinking Networks, Dr. Tanja Schacher and member of the board Thomas Schauer. They had come to Warsaw to discuss, jointly with noventum and MicroStrategy, the perspectives of a further integration of the products of Thinking Networks and MicroStrategy.
„It‘s great what‘s going to happen there. The two Best of Breed tools for planning and reporting harmonise very well with each other already today. When the integration is moved along even further, the combination on the market will be very strong. In the next few months we will initially create a showcase for the financial industry jointly with Thinking Networks. Based on this, we will be able present the interaction of the tools jointly with TN and MSTR. I am very much looking forward to that. In Barcelona, we will likely already be able to provide first impressions.
Here, Know-how, many years of experience, and the trained eye for the interests of our customers come together“, said Thorsten Schmidt in closing. At the end of the meeting in sunny Warsaw, all parties involved agreed that the intensified cooperation will be beneficial for partners and customers alike.

noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster