In the fast-paced world of information technology, time is often a precious commodity. Companies are under great pressure to manage their IT services efficiently. At the same time, they must keep pace with the rapidly changing demands of the environment and the pressures of the competitive landscape. Under such conditions, outsourcing becomes a crucial tool to meet the need for flexibility, expertise and cost efficiency. For outsourcing to be successful, forward planning is a general must.
Even though IT outsourcing regularly becomes a topic (mergers, acquisitions, next generation sourcing ...), it needs a lot of expertise and experience. Without good project management, IT outsourcing will not be a success. Holger Bredenkötter has been working as an IT consultant on this topic for more than 20 years. In his article, he explores the question of why IT outsourcing projects always represent a state of emergency for companies, what IT managers need to pay attention to when the time comes and why you actually need four project managers.
IT outsourcing is standard. If a company decides to have its IT operated by a service provider, this is not an unusual process. And yet the path to the sourcing partner is often not easy and burst sourcing contracts are not uncommon. But what has gone wrong if the partnership is not a real pleasure? IT tenders are the supreme discipline on the way to finding the right service provider and this is where things often go wrong.