The question is, "What actually moves our customers?"


The noventum consulting portfolio in the light of changing customer requirements

A conversation with Uwe Rotermund, Bernd Hüner and Holger Bredenkötter

As part of the innovation process, the management of noventum consulting regularly asks itself whether, against the background of changing technical or business requirements of its customers, noventum's consulting offerings are still 'on point'. At the end of the discussion about market analyses, own concrete project experiences and prognosticated developments the updated consulting portfolio of noventum consulting stands then. Managing Director Uwe Rotermund, together with Sales Manager Bernd Hüner and Business Development Manager Holger Bredenkötter present the new structure.


With business solutions, services and competencies for an optimized customer approach

novum: In the new graphical representation of noventum's consulting portfolio, three terms are in the foreground: "Business Solutions, Services and Competencies". What does this distinction mean?

Uwe Rotermund: When we talk to management and IT executives about their challenges, they often present themselves as "misson-critical" mega-projects or strategic tasks that call for specialized solutions and proven process models. This brings us to the first point, noventum "Business Solutions". With "IT Outsourcing", "Post Merger Integration", "IT Cost Reduction" and "IT Service Excellence" we have defined four answers for the major challenges of many of our customers.

novum: How concrete are the experiences behind your solution offerings?

Holger Bredenkötter: Behind our solution models, of course, are many years of diverse experience from various customer projects. And we have evaluated, compared and weighted the experiences and have thus come to think ahead and prepare solutions for our customers. Our customers do not have to guess whether they can solve their problems with this or that support, we talk about solutions with each other right away.


Management and departments ask for different things

novum: What about "services" and "competencies"? Is this just a different thematic entry level in customer communication?

Bernd Hüner: When we look at our services, we see that they are very tailored to address specific areas within the customer organization. The same applies to the presentation of individual specialist competencies. We address the business solutions at the CIOs, we often convince a specialist department manager more with our personal competencies. In terms of content, we want to manifest with our differentiated customer approach that we offer strategy, process and technology consulting, because we also have different solution offerings for precisely those people who work in different areas of focus. This means, for example, that the question of whether we have more of a technical or more of a strategic consultancy is artificial in that we offer strategic consultancy with a technical background. Both are true, both in their own time.


A holistic consulting approach needs competence from strategy to implementation

Holger Bredenkötter: As a partner from strategic consideration to implementation, we have a holistic approach. With Business Solutions, we start with the question of motivation. So, "why do I want to change anything at all, and what is the right way?" For example, in the case of IT outsourcing, we help with the calculation of the business case or with the consideration of which outsourcing makes sense at all? Then we accompany the whole process up to the realization and the transfer into operation.

Bernd Hüner: If we now look at a large project at the customer, we would see our consultants in some very specialized functions from program management to tender management and transition management to implementation. We are involved in coaching functions, we are involved in project management functions and to be able to be that, it is necessary that we have the expert knowledge in depth as well. And we achieve that with the 'triple jump' from competencies, to services, to business solutions, as we orchestrate them together in our portfolio.

novum: In its corporate history, noventum has had a North Rhine-Westphalian, if not Münsterland, focus right from the beginning. What does that look like today?


The IT industry is becoming increasingly international

Uwe Rotermund: We now have many customers throughout Germany. Northwest Germany is still our strongest region. But that is increasingly changing. In addition, we are networking with foreign customers. We are also working more and more for companies that we serve both in Germany and in Turkey, for example. Our international location policy is also reflected in our international customers.

Holger Bredenkötter: The benefits for our customers are obvious. We are increasingly looking at the IT business from an international perspective, and our major customers are doing the same. As an example, I would just like to refer to the offshore aspects of outsourcing projects. This is where international experience is needed.


noventum consulting is changing - of course!

Bernd Hüner: Maybe you can summarize it like this: Our tasks are becoming more demanding and the expertise we have to demonstrate requires an ever broader background of experience. We are getting better year by year and are working to ensure that this continues.

novum: How will noventum grow in the near future?

Bernd Hüner: In the medium term, we see a lot of growth potential in some of our strong themes. For example, in SAP consulting, we are currently aggressively broadening our base. We are strengthening our team in SAP development and Basis, thus closing a gap in relation to growing customer demand.

Uwe Rotermund: Yes, there is a lot of movement and energy at noventum at the moment, and experiencing this makes me very optimistic for the future.

novum: Thank you very much for the interview.

IT Turnaround Management

Optimieren Sie Ihre IT-Finanzierung mit noventum consulting! Kostenoptimierung und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für effizientes IT-Finanzmanagement.

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Holger Bredenkötter
+49 2506 93020

Lösungsszenarien zum Thema Data & Analytics
Success Stories // Fachartikel // News

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Foto: ©sonepar

In der heutigen datengesteuerten Geschäftswelt ist data-driven decision making für globale Unternehmen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die Sonepar Deutschland GmbH erkennt die Relevanz dieser Herangehensweise und setzt mit Microsoft Power BI auf ein effektives Reporting- und Analysewerkzeug. Als langjähriger Partner von Sonepar hat noventum consulting bereits im Jahr 2018 erfolgreich das zentrale Datawarehouse des Unternehmens neu mitgestaltet und konsolidiert. Nun sind wir in der Zusammenarbeit  den nächsten Schritt gegangen: die Implementierung von Power BI zur Verbesserung des Berichtswesens und der Analysen.

Self Service BI oder Schatten-IT?

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Technote: DeltaQ zu ODP Migration

Bei noventum beschäftigen wir uns sehr oft mit der Anbindung von SAP-Systemen an Microsoft-basierte Data Platforms. Sowohl auf Azure mit ADF und Azure SSIS oder lokal mit SSIS und oftmals mit XtractIS von Theobald.

Die Königsdisziplin der Datenextraktion aus SAP ist das Anbinden von Daten über SAP BI Content Datasources.


Uwe Rotermund
Chief Empowerment Officer / CEO

noventum consulting GmbH

Münsterstraße 111

48155 Münster

+49 2506 93020

Bernd Hüner

noventum consulting GmbH

Münsterstraße 111

48155 Münster

+49 2506 93020

Holger Bredenkötter

noventum consulting GmbH

Münsterstraße 111

48155 Münster

+49 2506 93020

Dr. Matthias Rensing

noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster

+49 2506 93020

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