noventum HR-Analytics – Projected data to support in-house elections
The data demand for operational work is turning HR analysis tools into HR planning instruments
HR Analytics, People & Culture, People Analytics

Due to the oftentimes extensive available data space, the areas of application of HR-Analytics are varied and range from reports and analyses to human resources master data, staffing structure and movement, as well as human resources measures all the way to analyses of time management and salaries. As reporting and analysis tool, HR-A traditionally conduces to human resources management. However, report recipients are also increasingly located at all levels of management and in other areas of the company: from production, via logistics and commerce, all the way to internal marketing and PR departments. As such, the increasing technical possibilities are turning noventum HR-Analytics (HR-A) into a future-oriented analysis and planning instrument.
Due to the continuous expansion of the analysis and data space as well as the expansion of the application areas of noventum HR-Analytics, the possibilities for the Human Resources Controlling department are increasing constantly. As such, the application possibilities of the “HR-Analytics” solution by noventum consulting have increased step-by-step as the result of specific customer requirements. The data space of the data warehouse as well as the multi-dimensional analysis model have been expanded so that subject areas such as the continued payment of remuneration (in case of sickness), parental leave, employee development, qualification and training, company-internal functions, contractual components (working hours, salary brackets), and executives can be utilised in reporting. Therefore, the analysis base of HR-A can cater to more and more requirements of different business partners and decision-makers in management whose business decisions are supported by transparency in the human resources data.
More than just reporting in human resources management
The requirements for reporting in human resources management are essentially focused on two perspectives: indicator reports and employee lists.
Indicator reports provide a structured overview of indicators of the various organisational areas and staffing structures. Employee lists always become important when the issue at hand is more of an operational rather than an analytic nature. This is of interest, for example, for specific human resources decisions, remuneration issues, or resource planning, but also in case of more minor issues such as anniversaries, new hires, or parental leave.
In order to satisfy the requests for employee lists, in particular, an option was created in noventum HR-Analytics to not only report historic and current data, but to also include the projected development of the master data. This expansion of the temporal reference opens up new possibilities in report creation.
Practical requirement “projected data”
Driven by project work at an internationally active retail company with more than 10,000 employees (in Germany alone), the noventum BI experts were faced with the question of “projected data” in the data warehouse.
Many of the reporting requests from various areas of the company are aiming for points in time in the near future that typically cannot be satisfied by data from a reporting data pool. In human resources management, questions regarding employee lists arise on a daily basis, e.g.:
- Who are the apprentices that will start working in my department on August 1st?
- Who will be returning from parental leave next month?
- Who will switch to another department in the next quarter?
- Who will be allowed to participate in an election a few months from now?
The questions deal with capacity and resource planning, adjustment of remuneration calculations, greeting cards for anniversaries and birthdays, etc. All these issues have in common is the fact that the respective executive wants to obtain knowledge in advance rather than retroactively reading a statistic, and that a multitude of master data has to be contributed.
Supporting works council elections with current data
In the current noventum project work, HR-A is, for example, supporting the creation of election lists for in-house elections. These can, for example, be works council elections, minority representations, social elections, or similar. Their joint characteristic is that the decision whether somebody is allowed to participate in the election (be it as a voter or as a candidate) depends on certain prerequisites that can be derived from the data space of the HR-A. In the future, updated election lists that are indispensable to performing elections will be generated automatically and periodically. That way, processes can be replaced that have been performed manually based on MS Excel, MS Access, or other table-based desktop applications and which carried with them the usual risks, susceptibilities to error, and repetition expenditures.
Due to the availability of the projected master data in HR-A, now the opportunity arises to not only obtain informational data, but to support operational processes from the data warehouse.
noventum HR-Analytics is a standard solution for the reporting and analysis of relevant indicators in the human resources area that can be easily adjusted to customers’ needs. Detailed information, cases studies, and technological background information is available (also for download) at the noventum Business Intelligence website.
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