Targeted personnel planning
From numbers to action: The path to fact-based HR decisions
HR Consulting, HR-Digitalisierung, People Analytics

Targeted personnel planning is of crucial importance for the sustainable success of a company. It creates an efficient basis through alignment with corporate and personnel objectives, upstream top-down planning, automated data preparation, transparency and the consideration of key factors. The integration of gap analysis and key factor analysis into the decision-making process enables the comparison of different planning scenarios in which personnel measures such as personnel expansion and/or personnel development are taken into account. The personnel cost calculation based on these scenarios forms the basis for well-founded decisions. This holistic approach not only promotes the optimal use of resources, but also the long-term adaptability of the organisation to changing requirements. The use of automated tools based on a centralised data source is the technological key to strategic personnel planning.
Pain points in personnel planning: challenges and solutions
Workforce planning is a crucial aspect of a company's success, but many organisations face challenges that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of this process.
Thinking corporate strategy and personnel planning together at an early stage
A common difficulty is that HR planning is not sufficiently aligned with the overarching organisational and HR objectives. This can lead to a lack of coherence and effectiveness, as resources may not be optimally aligned with strategic priorities. Furthermore, recruitment is often perceived as a reactive process that arises in the midst of challenges and needs, rather than being approached proactively and with foresight. However, workforce planning should be carried out at an early stage in order to optimise workforce planning.
Integrated personnel planning strategy needs more than Excel
If Excel is used for personnel planning, for example, manual data preparation and planning steps often lead to a considerable amount of time and work. This not only impairs efficiency, but also increases the risk of errors. Different planning files or even complex formulas lead to a lack of transparency in the planning itself and the results that emerge from it. In addition, isolated and non-integrated planning processes can lead to inconsistencies and inefficient use of resources. The creation of a consistent, integrated personnel planning strategy is the decisive task in order to utilise synergies and avoid silo mentalities. Furthermore, knowledge of manual workforce planning is often limited to a few experts, which can lead to bottlenecks and dependencies. Creating a broader understanding and knowledge distribution within the team is crucial to ensure continuity and efficiency.
In addition to quantity and quality: consider key factors in personnel planning
The consideration of key factors is often ignored in personnel planning. However, this is an important step when it comes to achieving the company's objectives and the personnel targets derived from them. Otherwise, it is possible that planned measures will only make an inadequate contribution to sustainable target achievement, e.g. because the specifics of the target group are unknown. In addition, a purely quantitative approach to recruitment neglects qualitative aspects such as employee development. A balanced relationship between quantitative and qualitative criteria is crucial to ensure long-term success.
In order to overcome these pain points, a strategic reorientation of personnel planning is required. This includes
- the integration of technologies,
- the consideration of qualitative aspects,
- the promotion of transparent communication and
- the development of a proactive approach that focuses on the long-term goals and tasks of the company.
Components of targeted personnel planning for sustainable corporate success
Effective HR planning is essential in order to achieve company goals and fulfil the needs of employees. Targeted HR planning comprises various components that interlock seamlessly to ensure optimal resource utilisation and employee development. Well thought-out HR controlling is an effective key and the solution for effective personnel planning.
Corporate and personnel goals:
The basis of any targeted HR planning lies in a clear alignment with the company's objectives. This requires a deep understanding of the organisation's long-term vision and strategic priorities. The HR objectives must reflect these overarching corporate goals to ensure that all activities work towards a common vision.
Personnel requirements planning (top-down planning):
Top-down planning is crucial in order to anticipate future personnel requirements and initiate appropriate measures. This involves translating the company's objectives into specific personnel requirements. These forecasts make it possible to provide suitable employee resources in good time and avoid bottlenecks.
Staffing analysis:
Analysing the current workforce is a fundamental component of understanding the current situation. This involves assessing the skills, qualifications and experience of employees. This analysis serves as a starting point for the identification of gaps and the targeted development of staff.
Quantitative and qualitative gap analysis:
The quantitative gap analysis refers to the comparison between the current workforce and the forecast future demand for personnel. The qualitative gap analysis goes beyond this and also looks at skills, competences and potential professional bottlenecks. This analysis allows targeted measures to be taken to bridge gaps.
Key factor analysis:
A thorough analysis of the key factors that influence personnel requirements is of crucial importance. In addition to aspects such as technological developments, demographic changes, market trends and organisational changes, this also includes an analysis of the specific target groups on which the planned personnel measures are to have an impact. The identification and consideration of these specifics enables forward-looking personnel planning that includes optimised measures to achieve objectives.
The successful integration of these components not only ensures effective personnel planning, but also helps to create an adaptable organisation. The cornerstones of sustainable and targeted personnel development are
- continuous harmonisation between corporate and personnel objectives,
- proactive personnel requirements planning,
- the ongoing analysis of the workforce,
- quantitative and qualitative gap analyses and
- Regularly analysing key factors and target group specifics.
- Software-based plan/actual comparisons on an automated database
With suitable software support based on an automated central database, this control loop does not come to a standstill and the plan/actual comparisons are available with minimal effort.
Decision-making process in personnel planning: integration of gap analysis and key factor analysis enables transparent scenarios and well-founded personnel cost calculation
In order to make the right decisions for the optimal utilisation of resources within HR planning, it should be based on a comprehensive analysis as a dynamic process. In a well thought-out decision-making process, the results of the GAP analysis and the key factor analysis are incorporated into various planning scenarios. These scenarios make it possible to compare various personnel measures, such as recruitment, training and others, in order to carry out a well-founded cost calculation of personnel on this basis.
Planning scenarios allow cost calculation
Various planning scenarios are created based on the findings of the gap and key factor analysis. These include various HR measures aimed at closing the identified gaps and simultaneously responding to the identified key factors. Scenarios could include, for example, the recruitment of new employees, targeted training programmes or measures to develop staff talent.
The various planning scenarios are compared in order to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages, costs and benefits. Not only quantitative factors such as the number of employees required are considered, but also qualitative aspects such as the required skills and specific qualifications.
A comprehensive personnel cost calculation is carried out on the basis of the personnel measures identified. This takes into account not only direct salary costs, but also ancillary costs such as social benefits, training and development costs and possible staff turnover. This enables realistic and transparent budgeting. The data basis is also crucial here, as data from HR and Finance must be merged and made analysable.
The transparent planning scenarios and the associated personnel cost calculation form the basis for well-founded decisions. On this basis, decision-makers can weigh up which measures are best suited to the company's objectives and the identified key factors and target group specifics. This transparency enables the HR strategy to be precisely aligned with the company's financial resources. This targeted approach not only promotes the efficient utilisation of resources, but also the sustainable development of the workforce in line with the company's strategic goals.
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Automated tools for targeted personnel planning strengthen corporate goals
Targeted HR planning ensures that all HR measures are closely linked to the overarching corporate objectives. This enables a coherent and focused use of resources in order to realise the shared vision. Planning personnel requirements in advance on the basis of corporate goals enables the workforce to be organised proactively.
This upstream top-down planning prevents bottlenecks, enables the targeted development of skills and promotes a long-term, strategic HR policy. The use of automated software with a central data source and standardised processes minimises the manual effort required for data preparation and planning steps. This not only increases efficiency and data quality, but also reduces the risk of errors and improves the ability to react to changes. This type of targeted personnel planning promotes transparency through clear communication channels and documented decisions.
The use of such automated software for personnel planning and HR reporting with a centralised database creates integrated processes that further reduce the manual workload and simplify coordination between the individual stakeholders:
- Isolated approaches are avoided and a common database is used for decision-making,
- the distribution of know-how is optimised and dependence on individuals is reduced,
- the central database contributes to the creation of a learning organisation.
The consideration of key factors and target group specifics in well thought-out personnel planning helps to achieve the company and personnel targets set. If both the quantitative and qualitative aspects are taken into account, the measures will have a lasting impact.
Targeted HR planning helps companies to make optimum use of their resources, strengthen their competitiveness and establish an adaptable organisational structure. The strategic view of the future, even within operational planning, and the targeted alignment with corporate goals make it an indispensable tool for sustainable success.

noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster