From sourcing projects all the way to day-to-day operations – promising perspectives for noventum consulting in Luxembourg
IT & Management Consulting, noventum

Since 2012, noventum has had a presence in Luxembourg. Harald Hau is the owner and managing director of the consulting company noventum S.á.r.l., Luxemburg; in a novum interview, he is reporting on the latest developments and consulting topics of his company.
novum: Mr. Hau, how has your young consulting company developed in the past months?
Harald Hau: We are very satisfied with the development in the marketplace. Especially in the past months, we have – for example – supported exciting sourcing projects that illustrate the potential of the Luxembourg market. Based on our analyses and in talks with our customers, we have been able to identify additional potential and new opportunities. In the future, we will be increasingly supporting our customers in their day-to-day operations. To be able to take even more successful action in this, we are therefore actively searching for exciting and versatile people to enrich our team.
novum: Luxembourg is the great location for banks. Are the banks still your prominent access to the consulting market and therefore, alongside, the important banking topics?
»Focus on banking sector and cluster initiative«
Harald Hau: Indeed, as in the past, the banking sector does constitute our core business, and we still see a lot of potential here. However, other exciting alternatives exist in Luxembourg, such as the cluster initiative. In the future, noventum Luxembourg will actively support this cluster initiative and will thereby open up exciting new customer areas.
novum: Which technical subject areas are you currently primarily dealing with?
Harald Hau: As mentioned – in addition to the project business, which was characteristic of the first years of noventum Luxembourg – we are working on intensifying operational business and on offering interesting services here to the marketplace in the future.
novum: A short while ago, you have offered a so-called „Cost Cutting Assessment“ to your customers. What exactly is that?
»Cost Cutting Assessment uncovers savings potentials«
Harald Hau: The Cost Cutting Assessment is an in-house development that includes the following topics and/or steps: efficient capturing of the status quo, benchmarking/peer group comparison, identifying of potentials, targeting, prognosis of savings potentials, and – of decisive importance – an analysis of the IT costs. Based on how well our CCA 2.0 was accepted, we will intensify this initiative and strengthen our product portfolio based on the experience and insights gained to date, and integrate them into our methods.
The Cost Cutting Assessment approach consists of an efficient and standardised approach for determining savings potentials within an IT organisation. For this, we have clustered the activities of an IT organisation into domains such as business IT alignment, business partners, and support. Within these domains, we have defined approx. 80 roles / tasks that are important for a successful IT organisation.
The analysis is performed based on structured interviews with the stakeholders. The result of the assessment consists of:
- Identification of quick wins
- Optimisation of cost drivers through utilisation of effective measures
- Suggestions for sustainable cost reduction
- Preparation of a cost savings roadmap
novum: What were your specific experiences, what was the feedback from your customers?
Harald Hau: The feedback from our customers was and is very good and confirms us in our belief to further expand this service in the future.
novum: Mr. Hau, thank you very much for this interview. We wish you continued great success!
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noventum consulting GmbH
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48155 Münster