Good customers and good opportunities in Luxembourg

noventum S.A.R.L. in Luxembourg is looking back at its first complete fiscal year. For the novum editorial team, this was an impetus to talk with its managing partner, Harald Hau.
novum: Mr. Hau, how did the consulting business go in Luxembourg?
Harald Hau: Summarised in a few words, I can say that the first fiscal year was a success and that I am very satisfied. The business plan that we prepared at the beginning of the year jointly with the colleagues of noventum Germany was exceeded in most criteria.
novum: Did you approach the market in Luxembourg with a particular focus?
Harald Hau: Our strategy was to first position noventum in the financial sector in Luxembourg. And we have pursued this strategy successfully. In Luxembourg*, 1324 companies were active in the financial and insurance services sector in 2010. This confirms our strategic positioning.
novum: What‘s going to be next?
Harald Hau: For the year ahead, our plan is to get additional customers in the financial sector excited for noventum, and to also start to tackle our positioning in the public sector and the automotive sector.
novum: Which topics did you focus on in 2013?
Harald Hau: This year, we have supported our customers through a large variety of topics and projects. Jointly with our customers, we were active in the noventum business solutions „IT Outsourcing“ and „IT Cost Reduction“ as well as in the services „IT Processes & Organisation“ and „Data Centre Services“.
novum: That is a large variety!
Harald Hau: Indeed, and a lot of work (laughs)! At present, we are looking for additional staff for the noventum team on-site in Luxembourg. We received a lot of interesting job applications in which the nationality of the candidates also reflects the international diversity of the market in Luxembourg. Currently, the population of Luxembourg consists of 537,000 people, of whom 44.5 % are foreigners*.
novum: That is truly diverse!
Harald Hau: And it makes up some of the particular attraction of the Luxembourg location! The meetings with our customers are often inspiring. We are looking forward to 2014, in which we want to continue the successful work with our customers, as well as to exciting topics and successful challenges. And, of course, to continuing to get to know many more interesting people.
novum: Thank you very much for the interview!
*(Source: Institut national de la statistique et des études éconmiques; 2013 Luxembourg in figures)
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noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster